Common Cause and Lokniti Programme of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), launched the Status of Policing in India Report (SPIR) 2019 on the tough working conditions of the police in India at the India International Centre today.

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COVID-19: How Can I Help My Fellow Indians?

The threat of coronavirus has pushed us into an unprecedented crisis. The national lockdown, while well-intentioned, has also disrupted lives and snatched livelihoods. Millions of men, women, and children have to go without meals. Even social distancing is a luxury for people cramped in unhygienic tenements without a regular supply of water or electricity. It is distressing that even from here,...Read More

First of its kind Study

The India Justice Report, a first of its kind study is an initiative of Tata Trusts undertaken in partnership with Centre for Social Justice, Common Cause, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, DAKSH, TISS-Prayas and Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy. This is a pathbreaking endeavour consolidating the efforts of numerous individuals and organizations working towards the improvement of the...Read More

Advance Medical Directive: First Draft of a Model Living Will

As per the Supreme Court of India’s judgment dated March 9, 2018, the following Advance Medical Directive has been executed by me to lay down clear and specific instructions during the course of my treatment, as well as to strengthen the mind of the treating doctors that they are acting in a lawful manner. I ___(name)__ am an adult of a sound and healthy state of mind and in a position to...Read More

Launch Event for SPIR 2019 at the India International Centre

The launch of the Status of Policing in India Report 2019 : Police Adequacy & Working Conditions at the India International Centre, featured a panel discussion on 'Indian Police and the Rule of Law in Practice'. The event also entailed a panel discussion on the topic of the Indian Police and the Rule of Law in Practice. It was chaired by Justice (Retd.) Jasti Chelameswar and had Ms...Read More

News Reports

SPIR 2019 across print, television and the web                                                                                                   ...Read More

Status of Policing in India Report 2023: Surveillance and the Question of Privacy

The Status of Policing in India Report 2023 was launched at the India Habitat Centre by a panel of eminent personalities, followed by a discussion on rethinking surveillance. The theme of this year’s report is surveillance and privacy, and in his keynote address, Justice (Retd.) J. Chelameswar, a former Supreme Court Judge, said that only a robust privacy law can determine if the data of...Read More

Block the date: 6:00 pm, August 27, 2019

Common Cause and Centre for the Study of Developing Societies invite you to the release of Status of Policing in India Report 2019: Police Adequacy and Working Conditions, followed by a Panel Discussion on Indian Police and the Rule of Law in Practice on Tuesday, August 27, 2019 at 6:00 pm at Lecture Hall 2, IIC Annexe, India International Centre, Max...Read More

Team Publications

The BJP Claimed This Financial Tool Would Clean Up Indian Politics. It Did the Opposite. Collaborative Document Reclaiming the Republic 2019 How 'BK-16' puts democracy on trial: Click...Read More

Status of Policing in India Report (SPIR) 2018

Download the updated report: If you have the first edition of the print copy of the report, kindly download the updated version from the above link. Alternatively, you can download the corrigendum here:            ...Read More

Special Committee for Chardhaam All Weather Road Project

In response to a Common Cause petition, the National Green Tribunal (NGT) has appointed a seven-member committee to monitor violation of road construction rules and to address environmental concerns in the Chardhaam Project. The four-judge Bench, headed by NGT Chairperson Adarsh Kumar Goel also held that while no development project is acceptable at the cost of endangering human health...Read More