Press Releases

Common Cause Welcomes Dismissal of SBI’s Plea for extension in EB Judgment - Mar 11, 2024

Common Cause welcomes today’s judgement of the Constitution Bench in the contempt petition filed jointly by ADR and Common Cause. As co-petitioners in the Electoral Bonds petition in 2017, challenging the constitutionality of Electoral Bonds, and again in the contempt petition filed last...

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Common Cause on the Electoral Bonds Judgment - Feb 15, 2024

Common Cause and ADR, the original petitioners in the Electoral Bonds case, stand vindicated by today’s Supreme Court verdict which struck down the Electoral Bond Scheme 2018 holding that it is violative of the right to information under Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution. The two...

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Status of Policing in India Report 2023: Surveillance and the Question of Privacy - Mar 31, 2023

New Delhi, March 31, 2023: The Status of Policing in India Report 2023 was launched today at the India Habitat Centre by a panel of eminent personalities, followed by a discussion on rethinking surveillance. The theme of this year’s report is surveillance and privacy, and in his keynote...

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Release of a non-partisan action plan on safeguarding elections and democracy against digital platforms and the misuse of the Social Media - Apr 05, 2019

New Delhi, April 5, 2019: The threat posed by digital platforms to the integrity of elections has assumed alarming proportions. In this context, a group of former civil servants, which has been engaging with the Election Commission of India over the conduct of free and fair elections, had offered...

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Common Cause, whose petition in the Supreme Court led to the appointment of India's first Lokpal, welcomes the move, though the process of appointment could have been more transparent and amicable - Mar 19, 2019

New Delhi, March 19, 2019: Common Cause welcomes the decision to appoint Former Supreme Court judge Pinaki Chandra Ghose as India’s first Lokpal.  This appointment is a direct result of an Intervention Application filed by Common Cause through its counsel Prashant Bhushan on January...

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Supreme Court sets aside government order and reinstates Alok Verma as CBI Director - Jan 08, 2019

New Delhi, January 8, 2019: The Supreme Court on January 8, 2019, backed Alok Verma and reinstated him as CBI director in response to pleas filed by him and NGO Common Cause. The top court set aside the orders of the CVC and the Government of India dated October 23, 2018, which divested Verma of...

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Common Cause files petition for domestic workers - Nov 25, 2018

New Delhi, November 23: In the wake of brutal incidents of murder, rape, physical and sexual assault of domestic workers across the country, such as the recent case of a 16-year-old domestic worker being hacked to pieces for asking for her salary, Common Cause has filed a writ petition in public...

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Status of Policing in India Report (SPIR) 2018 - May 09, 2018

Common Cause and Lokniti Programme of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), launched India’s first Status of Policing in India Report (SPIR 2018) at the India Habitat Centre on May 9. The release was followed by a panel discussion on “People-Centric Policing and the...

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CAG Appointment Without Following Institutional Integrity Principle - Sep 12, 2017

Common Cause, an organisation dedicated to serving public causes through democratic interventions, is shocked that the NDA government has followed exactly the same practice and procedures as the predecessor UPA government in the appointment of the new Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India....

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Illicit payouts to politicians: Birla/Sahara Diaries - Nov 16, 2016

Common Cause has approached the Supreme Court regarding bribes paid to prominent politicians by corporate groups. It is feared that the groups, whose premises were raided by the CBI and the Income Tax Department in 2013 and 2014, might go for ‘settlement’ of their cases, amounting to a...

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Common Cause makes submissions for Collegium Reforms - Nov 16, 2015

NEW DELHI: Common Cause, in consultation with Vidhi Centre of Legal Policy and Inclusive Media for Change has put forth suggestions for improvement of the Collegium System for appointment of judges to the Supreme Court and the High Courts. The consultation was attended by representatives from...

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Common Cause Welcomes Supreme Court Judgment on Government Advertisements - May 13, 2015

Common Cause welcomed the landmark Supreme Court judgment which lays down guidelines for publicly funded government advertisements misused ostensibly to promote political leaders and parties in power. The apex court bench comprising Justice Ranjan Gogoi and Justice P C Ghose prohibits in its...

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Common Cause, A Petitioner in Section 66A case, Welcomes Supreme Court Judgment - May 24, 2015

Common Cause, a registered society which takes up public causes on behalf of the citizens of India, has welcomed the momentous Supreme Court judgment striking down Section 66A as unconstitutional. Apetitioner in this case, Common Cause, had filed its writ petition challenging the Constitutional...

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Assault on Prashant Bhushan - Nov 14, 2011

The Governing Council of Common Cause is greatly shocked and anguished over the dastardly assault on its distinguished member, Shri Prashant Bhushan, by certain fascist elements yesterday afternoon. The attack is symptomatic of the growing intolerance and steady erosion of democratic values in our...

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Smear Campaign against Civil Society Nominees on Drafting Panel for Lokpal Bill - Apr 27, 2011

In the following joint statement, Common Cause and Development Alternatives have expressed their solidarity with the civil society nominees on the joint drafting committee for Lokpal Bill, against whom an orchestrated campaign of vilification has been mounted by certain elements in the political...

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Post Retirement Activities of Supreme Court Judges - Feb 10, 2010

It may interest you to know that Common Cause filed a writ petition in the Delhi High Court on February 10, 2010 through the renowned public interest lawyer, Mr Prashant Bhushan, highlighting how Article 124(7) of the Constitution of India is being violated in both letter and spirit because of...

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Civil Society Proposition for a new Delhi Police Law - May 04, 2010

The need for a comprehensive reform of the system of policing in the country, which is essentially based on the colonial Indian Police Act of 1860, has long been felt. Over the years, various Commissions and expert bodies have submitted their recommendations on the subject. A “Police Act...

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