Current Focus

Petition for SIT investigation in Electoral Bonds Scam

W.P.(C) No. 266/2024 - Apr 26, 2024

Petition for SIT investigation in Electoral Bonds...

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Press Release on SBI’s Plea in EB Case

Common Cause Welcomes Dismissal of SBI’s Plea for extension in EB Judgment - Mar 11, 2024

Common Cause welcomes today’s judgement of the Constitution Bench in the contempt petition filed jointly by ADR and Common Cause. As co-petitioners in the Electoral Bonds petition in 2017, challenging the constitutionality of Electoral Bonds, and again in the contempt petition filed last...

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Press Release English

Common Cause on the Electoral Bonds Judgment - Feb 15, 2024

Common Cause and ADR, the original petitioners in the Electoral Bonds case, stand vindicated by today’s Supreme Court verdict which struck down the Electoral Bond Scheme 2018 holding that it is violative of the right to information under Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution. The two...

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Status of Policing in India Report 2023

Status of Policing in India Report 2023 - Mar 31, 2023

Surveillance and the Question of Privacy The Status of Policing in India Report 2023 was launched at the India Habitat Centre by a panel of eminent personalities, followed by a discussion on rethinking surveillance. The theme of this year’s report is surveillance and privacy, and in his...

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Petition to Stop Govt. Spending on Political Campaign Ads

W.P.(C) 142/2022 - Mar 02, 2022

Petition to Restrain the use of Public Funds for Political Campaigns Through Govt....

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Petition for timely and transparent appointments to CVC

W.P.(C) 1244/2021 - Jan 10, 2022

Petition seeking timely and transparent appointments to the Central Vigilance...

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Petition to completely ban export of iron ore (as pellets or otherwise)

W.P. (C) 487/2021 - Aug 10, 2021

Petition to completely ban export of iron ore (in the form of pellets or...

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Application concerning direct allocation of vaccine to Private Entities

I.A. No. 69713/2021 in S.M.W. (C) No. 3/2021 - Aug 10, 2021

IA in In Re: Distribution of Essential Supplies and Services During...

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Petition challenging constitutional validity of Sedition

W.P. (C) 773/2021 - Aug 10, 2021

Petition challenging constitutional validity of Sedition under Section 124A of the Indian Penal Code,...

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Petition challenging the appointment of Interim Director, CBI

W.P. (C) 291/2021 - Mar 04, 2021

Petition challenging the appointment of Interim Director,...

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A Victory for the Environment

Char Dham Highway Case - Sep 23, 2020

The substantial damage to the Himalayan ecology caused by the Char Dham Highway Project has been halted by the Supreme Court. In response to a petition by environment non-profit Citizens for Green Doon, the Apex Court ruled on September 8 that the width of the Char Dham Highway, currently...

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Reach Out

COVID-19: How Can I Help My Fellow Indians? - Apr 06, 2020

The threat of coronavirus has pushed us into an unprecedented crisis. The national lockdown, while well-intentioned, has also disrupted lives and snatched livelihoods. Millions of men, women, and children have to go without meals. Even social distancing is a luxury for people cramped in unhygienic...

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Right to Die with Dignity

Advance Medical Directive: First Draft of a Model Living Will - Sep 30, 2019

As per the Supreme Court of India’s judgment dated March 9, 2018, the following Advance Medical Directive has been executed by me to lay down clear and specific instructions during the course of my treatment, as well as to strengthen the mind of the treating doctors that they are acting in a...

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