A physician told me about one of his favourite patients. The doctor once asked the fellow if he had lived in the same place all
his life. The man replied. ‘Nope, I was born in the bedroom next to the one where I sleep now.’


In the middle of a dispute the husband said: ‘Let’s not quarrel, my dear, let’s discuss the thing sensibly.’
‘No,’ said the angry wife, ‘every time we discuss something sensibly, I lose!’


A man telephoned a police station one night, and excitedly reported that the steering wheel, brake pedal, accelerator, clutch
pedal and dashboard had been stolen from his car. A sergeant promised to investigate. But soon the telephone rang again.
‘Don’t bother,’ said the same voice, this time with a hiccup. ‘I got into the back seat by mistake.’


October – December, 2012