Must Watch
Decoding the Three New Criminal Laws
The theme of the panel discussion is “Decoding the Three New Criminal Laws” and the idea is to discuss and analyse the newly introduced laws to decolonise our justice system and to ensure time-bound completion of trials. The speakers are prominent jurists of India, including former judge of the Supreme Court of India, Justice Madan B Lokur, former Director of the National Judicial Academy, Prof G Madan Gopal, Supreme Court Lawyer Ms Vrinda Grover, and Professor at the National Law University, New Delhi, Prof Anup Surendranath and Adv. Sarim Naved. Ms Anjali Bhardwaj, Common Cause and CJAR will moderate the discussion.
Issue of corruption
Vipul Mudgal speaks to Amit Baruah of The Hindu about the issue of corruption in India, and whether selective targeting is reducing the campaign against corruption. The conversation is part of a podcast In Focus by The Hindu.
Electoral Bonds:
The Supreme Court on Thursday reserved its judgement in response to a batch of pleas challenging the validity of the electoral bonds scheme. During the previous term of Prime Minister Modi, this scheme was passed as a money bill without debate, along with amendments to five other laws. In this episode of 'Itihaas Ke Panne', senior journalist Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay and Vipul Mudgal, the director and chief executive of Common Cause, talk about the history of electoral and political funding, the need for transparency in these matters for a better democracy, and more.
The Wire Interview on Electoral Bonds
"Foreign Powers Could Influence Indian Elections Via Electoral Bonds": Vipul Mudgal on SC Verdict
Policing communal violence
Former police officials LN Rao and VN Rai, and Common Cause's Radhika Jha explain the challenges police face in tackling communal violence and why their record isn't very good. The discussion centered upon the inherent bias of the police against certain communities. It further delves into infrastructural inadequacies.
Sedition Law:Can it have a place in democracy
Common Cause Director participated in a discussion on Sedition Law on Checks and Balances, an online discussion with experts on governance on SABGROUP GovernanceNow
‘The Struggle for Police Reforms in India’
Indian Police Foundation, Common Cause and Rupa Publications organised the book release of "The Struggle for Police Reforms in India” written by former IPS officer, Prakash Singh on May 8, 2022 in New Delhi. The Chief Guest, M. Venkaiah Naidu, Vice President of India observed:
"...the political will is lacking undoubtedly at various levels. That's why in spite of the matter being taken up by the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court giving a clear judgment also many states have not taken up reforms because as we are all aware, policing is a state subject..."
He emphasised on the need for reforms and accepted that we need to create an atmosphere and awareness among the common people for reforms
Alongside the Vice President and Prakash Singh, N. Ramachandran (President, Indian Police Foundation), Vipul Mudgal (Director, Common Cause), Kaushik Deka (Executive Editor, India Today), and Kapish Mehra (Managing Director, Rupa Publications) addressed the gathering. He recommended administrators, politicians and bureaucracy to read the book, introspect and take corrective measure at the earliest.
Is the Rule of Law Backsliding in India?
Common Cause India and Centre For The Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) launched the Status of Policing in India Report (SPIR) 2020-21. Volume I of the report focuses on the 'Policing in the Conflict-Affected Regions'.
In the launch event Justice (retd.) Madan B Lokur delivered the keynote address on - Is the Rule of Law Backsliding in India? Our Challenges in the 2020s
To download the report, click here:
Electoral Bonds|Mirror now
Tanvi Shukla discusses "Have electoral bonds helped stop dirty money?" with Common Cause Director & Trustee ADR Dr Vipul Mudgal, Former CEC Dr SY Quraishi and others. This has become a major issue as the Election Commission who had opposed electoral bonds in the past has now softened its stance. EC has also already seized dirty money with 330 crores, much more than what it seized in 20. Even though the ADR has gone to the Supreme Court seeking a stay on electoral bonds, the sale of these funds and raising money is still continuing.
Dr Mudgal, says that ‘This is the most regressive single policy which is unconstitutional & goes beyond elections’
Dr Quraishi says that the ‘EC changing its stand now is interesting but not surprising. We thought it was coming"’.
Police Reforms In India: An Essential Review
After his retirement, Prakash Singh filed a PIL in the Supreme Court of India in 1996. In 2006, in a landmark verdict, the Supreme Court gave specific directions to the Central and State Governments to carry out structural changes in the police with a view to insulating it from extraneous pressures and making it accountable to the people.
Electoral Bonds: Boon or Bane
Electoral Bonds are boon or bane for Democracy?
The IPF Foundation Day Lecture 2020
Justice Madan Bhimarao Lokur, former judge of the Supreme Court of India delivered the lecture "Reforms in Police and Criminal Justice are crucial to safeguard the democratic rights of citizens" on the occasion of IPF Foundation Day 2020 organised by Common Cause, in partnership with Indian Police Foundation and we.log .
Is Policing a Thankless Job?
Senior Journalist Faye D’Souza conducts a panel discussion with Director and Chief Executive of Common Cause, Vipul Mudgal, Former Commissioner of Police, Pune, Meeran Chadha Borwankar and President, Indian Police Foundation & Institute, N.Ramachandran on "Is policing a thankless job?"
#WeLog #PoliceSahiTohDeshSahi #ThePoliceDialogues
Prime Time - NDTV August 10, 2020,
Prime Time - August 10, 2020
Mr. Prakash Singh at the Launch of SPIR 2019
Status of Policing in India Report 2019
Ms. Aruna Roy at the Launch of SPIR 2019
Status of Policing in India Report 2019
Lateral Entry in Civil Services
The Narendra Modi government is all set to expand the lateral entry of experts into the civil services. A report said that officials of the Department of Personnel & Training have been asked to prepare a proposal for inducting 400 domain experts to fill Deputy Secretary and Director posts.
NewsClick editor-in-chief Prabir Purkayastha discusses the issue with former IAS Kamal Jaiswal.
Facebook's role in Brexit
In an unmissable talk, journalist Carole Cadwalladr digs into one of the most perplexing events in recent times: the UK's super-close 2016 vote to leave the European Union. Tracking the result to a barrage of misleading Facebook ads targeted at vulnerable Brexit swing voters -- and linking the same players and tactics to the 2016 US presidential election -- Cadwalladr calls out the "gods of Silicon Valley" for being on the wrong side of history and asks: Are free and fair elections a thing of the past?
The Big Picture: Police Reforms
Deliberations on the issue of 'Police Reforms' in which Dr Vipul Mudgal, Director, Common Cause, featured as a guest.
Rajya Sabha TV, July 5, 2018.
NDTV 24x7: The Big Fight
The Right To Die With Dignity- On the the Supreme Court's verdict and deliberated on issues of the "Living Will", self determination and patient autonomy.
NDTV 24x7: We The People
The Case For And Against Passive Euthanasia: On the the Supreme Court's verdict and deliberated on issues of the "Living Will", self determination and patient autonomy.
The "Living Will"Debate
Doordarshan and Lok Sabha TV ran full-fledged programmes on "Living Will" in which the Common Cause view was discussed at length in English and Hindi. It is hoped that some newspapers will run full-page stories in the coming weeks and more channels will feature the issue in its correct perspective.
The Moment of Truth!
A 'must-see' 5 minute video by a 13-year-old. It is 24 years old, and yet even more relevant today.
Will Potter: The secret US prisons, Discussions-new Consumer Protection Bill.
Investigative journalist Will Potter is the only reporter who has been inside a Communications Management Unit, or CMU, within a US prison. These units were opened secretly, and radically alter how prisoners are treated ? even preventing them from hugging their children. Potter, a TED Fellow, shows us who is imprisoned here, and how the government is trying to keep them hidden. "The message was clear," he says. "Don?t talk about this place." Find sources for this talk at
Discussion on new Consumer Protection Bill
Shri Kamal Kant Jaswal, President, Common Cause shares his insights on the The Consumer Protection Bill, 2015, in a panel discussion on the subject.
We need to talk about an injustice
In this engaging TED talk human rights lawyer Bryan Stevenson shares some hard truths about America's justice system, starting with a massive imbalance along racial lines: a third of the country's black male population has been incarcerated at some point in their lives.
The dangers of a single story
Our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories. Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found her authentic cultural voice ? and warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding.
Why is India so filthy?-The Ugly Indian
The Ugly Indian is an anonymous collective that does not talk to media, wants no publicity and works with the motto - Only Work No Talk. However, they made an exception for TEDxBangalore so that they could open up the question of why we as Indians are okay with filthy public spaces? The tragedy of the commons - can we change it to the victory of the commons?

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